Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello Ladies,

This will be a short post as I would eventually like to get some sleep (after I clean the kitchen, of course).

I last wrote on Good Friday about going into the tomb to allow God to transform everything that is dead in your life. The idea is to totally surrender to God. The tomb is a place where you don't have to have all the answers. It is a place where you don't need to defend yourself or fix any part of your life. It is a place of peace and trust where you allow God to work in your life. When you leave this place (and we never really leave, do we?) you will be transformed.

It sounds so nice, doesn't it? Kind of like a spa for the soul. And it should be. Except that most of us, myself included, don't want to give up that much control. And generally we are the last to notice when God is working in our lives. And we so want to quantify things. At least I do. It would be so nice if we could leave the tomb whole and healed and ready to work miracles.

Well, Ladies, Jesus has been there before us and even He had scars. In fact, He was recognized by his scars. Was Jesus transformed? Yes. Did He perform miracles? Yes. Did he still have work to do? Yes. So what is the point of this blog entry? Simply to say that our work, our wounds if you will, have meaning if we are centered on the transforming love of Jesus. I do not mean mindless obedience to dogma or tradition that hinders your ability to function lovingly. (I must state here that I believe that dogma and tradition are in place to support our ability to function lovingly.) Remember that our role as mothers is to make our children fit for the kingdom of heaven. We do this through the grace of God. Our actions should be based on Caritas, the love which inspires action. 

So what can we expect when we leave the tomb? I cannot possibly say. All that I know is that when I take the time to surrender myself to God that I become a little bit more loving in unexpected ways. Some days I would love to stay in the tomb. But then who would do the dishes? Sometimes the miracle is finding the strength to do it myself.

May God grant you plenty of rest.

1 comment:

Mrs. Goyle said...

Our scars can serve as a reminder of how God has worked in us. From our scars we can see where we came from in our own wounded imperfect ways. Without those reminders, we might lose some of the wisdom we gained.